by JJ-DJ February 28, 2014
by AiteCoin August 6, 2023
A one-man band started in 1991 by Eric Powell with the vision to combine punk, electronic, and industrial. Has had a varied career topping Rolling Stone alternative charts and due to his large following even contracted for game soundtracks, including Command and Conquer and the PS2 game Primal.
by BertyMcFUCK September 25, 2007
Volt crossing is motocross for the young pups that care about the environment and believe that electric is the future. Electric motorbikes without gears and harmful fumes which makes it suitable for vegans.
Boy 1. Here boy are you going volt crossing at the weekend or what?
Boy 2. Yeah boy I’m gonna tail whip the iron horses big time
Boy 3. What’s volt crossing?
Boy 1&2. Lmao your lame mick mag
Boy 2. Yeah boy I’m gonna tail whip the iron horses big time
Boy 3. What’s volt crossing?
Boy 1&2. Lmao your lame mick mag
by Crazysteve December 4, 2019
A sex technique much similar to scissoring except with two men. Both men assume a sitting position while laying on their sides, then they back their asses up to each other and insert their penises into the other's butts.
by Max, Greg, Jason and Dan February 8, 2008
Another word for a vagina. The word derives from the acidic sting you feel when putting your tongue on a 9-volt battery. There is a somewhat acidic "sting" felt on your tongue when placed on a vagina because of the acidic environment (low pH).
by romracer March 3, 2010
by VoLT Trialz February 16, 2017