A black person who acts somewhat white, but not as white as a Vanilla Coke. "The Not-So-Vanilla Vanilla"
Nice Aero hoodie, you Vanilla Pepsi.
by 6B1 September 22, 2004
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It's like drinking carbonated ice cream. Without the ice cream.
Vanilla Coke and Vanilla Pepsi tastes the same, I'll take either one.
by Saints October 31, 2003
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after creating the god-awful Pepsi Blue, the Pepsi company needed to redeem itself by making a vanilla soda and sucked at marketing so they had to try to make fun of Vanilla Coke in the ads
Pepsi Vanilla is good but not as good as Vanilla Coke
by Eddy October 22, 2003
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after Pepsi Blue went away, they decided to copy Vanilla Coke. The two sodas taste EXACTLY the same, but Pepsi Vanilla claims to be better than Vanilla Coke.
(pepsi vanilla commercial)
man1:Dude, don't get a vanilla coke, it sucks.
by DaChazman September 1, 2004
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The end result of ejaculating into a woman's anus and having her excrete the semen into a wine glass.
Doris and I enjoyed an after dinner Pepsi Vanilla.
by mrducks December 19, 2003
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