To look up a urban phrase on the site
- Verb

Jack your such a douche, just tell me what a Hot Pocket is Im so sick of UBing everything.
by Crazycon September 24, 2009
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The Filipino word for purple yam. Ube is used in a variety of desserts from ice cream to pastries.

Ube on occasions, can also take the place of "uber cool."

1) Hey, Corey, do you want any ube for dessert?

2) Man, that kid is so ube.

Naah, maybe like uber lame.
by IC3CR34M March 21, 2009
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1. Unballer Status
2. People not worthy of hanging out with.
3. Dilapidated conditions; as in housing.
4. A tool.
"He is a UBS piece of shit."

"This apartment is the most UBS place I've ever lived in."

"Where did he go?" "I don't know - UBSville?"
by CBSville April 3, 2009
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filipino word for yam. and you see a lot of (notably purple) philippine food products with ube. purple yam jam generally owns you.
...halukay ube, halukayin niyo ng todo
by hi tio pot! January 27, 2005
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UB is Used when defining the ugly bastard in Hentai, he's usually a 40 yr old man
by Marsy. February 5, 2020
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Joe was about to stand to shake Jeremy's hand, but was forced back into the chair by an enormous UB.
by bellirubbre April 13, 2009
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ub means ub
shub ub
by Pikachu ratio November 18, 2022
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