
when a guy sees something he finds sexually stimulating and makes his penis become hard and he wants to fuck whatever it is
Jack: Yo you got a boner dude!

John: I know. That watermelon over there is pretty sexy
Jack: ...
by Marley :) June 24, 2017
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*3 very sexy girls in one room*
Mark:My boner is telling me that all of them are a good choice.
by Jon200105 February 25, 2013
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Worst thing to get during school
Ah shit I got a boner *class sees it* fuck I'm screwed.
by Ligmaboi308 February 6, 2019
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What occurs when blood rushes to the penis, causing it to stick up. it is also possibly the worst thing to get before a school presentation.
While I was in a school play, I got a boner.
by Sapphire Flames February 16, 2011
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When a guys dick is happy
"Man your boner is happy!"
by VastKilla February 7, 2015
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The worst thing that could happen in a classroom full of people
Bob: Uh oh!
Joe: What is it?
Bob: I got a boner
Joe: OOF that sucks. Hope the teacher doesn't ask you to present
Teacher: Bob, can you come up here please?
Bob: Shit!
by TROLLKING9001 July 13, 2020
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Erect penis that happens when a male is sexually excited/stimulated. When blood flow rushes to it and causes it to stick up directly!
Kade has got a boner. Look at him!
by loverb0yy April 15, 2021
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