An umbrella term to include folks who identify as transgender, transsexual, and other identities where a person does not identify with the gender they were assigned at birth. It is a placeholder for suffixes of trans, that is, trans_____. The asterisk (*) is standing in for *gender, *sexual, *feminine, *masculine, *folks, *person, *guy, *girl, *woman, and *man.

It is also inclusive of identities that do not start with the prefix “trans,” but can be understood as under the trans* umbrella. These identities include, but are not limited to, genderqueer, bigender, third gender, genderf*ck, gender fluid, genderless, MtF, FtM, Two Spirit, non-binary, androgynous, and masculine of center (MOC). While all of these identities are distinct from one other, each can be understood as under the trans* umbrella because the folks who identify with them do not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth and/or are “queering” (deviating from norms; blurring) gender expectations and assumptions.

A note on usage: the identities above are all self-identifying terms. It is not for you to say then, “Well, I read a blog post that said genderqueer people are trans*, so if you identify as genderqueer you are trans*, whether you think so or not.”

Respect the words that people use to describe themselves by using those same words to describe them and not questioning their use of the terms.
“I identify as trans*”
by comet May 20, 2014
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A slang for a singular transgender person usually used in first person
me: I am just a simple tran
homies: same
by DatGooseBoio January 25, 2021
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A prefix meaning across, beyond, changing, or crossing.
The train ride we took today was transcontinental.
by talespy12 April 9, 2011
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trans is a person who was assigned a gender at birth and doesn't identify that way. FTM (female to male) and MTF (male to female) trans labels are seen most often.
by tymphany June 18, 2020
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the person with this last name is the best person you can see in the world. She is a Vietnamese chick and will always be there for you
look its sophia tran
i know, best person in the world
by theoneandonlytruecoolkid December 8, 2018
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tran - adj.

1. To perform a mindbending trick. To get the better of.

Dude, I can't believe that you got tranned so easily!

Oh man! She tranned your ass!
by thecrew August 22, 2007
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Acronym used for:

T, Tax

R, Revenue

A, Anticipation

N, Note
Finish the TRAN paperwork already and mail it back to the government!!
by joshisthename April 27, 2011
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