A very under appreciated album for what it is worth. Louis Tomlinsons first album which is extremely honest and open with listeners.
person 1: STREAM WALLS
person 2: i already have 28 times :)
by ur mom :)))))))) September 23, 2020
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The Wall is a puzzle-esque rock opera by Pink Floyd. The story follows the rise and fall of Pink Floyd, a rocker who finds that fame is not everything. Set during WWII, the lyrics are both enchanting, haunting and frightening. The album includes much symbolism. Who are The Worms? What is The Wall? What role does Mother play? What does Pink mean by, "Goodbye, cruel world/I'm leaving you today"? What is The Trial? Questions like these are things you should keep in mind. Do not try to listen to The Wall in one sitting. You will not get it. If you want to extract the full meaning of the music, listen to each song and think about it. Listen hard to the background noises, the actual lyrics, and the change of voice pitch and emotion.

Figure out The Wall. You'll be surprised.
My 7th grade music teacher made us do a project on The Wall. One of the best albums ever.
by Mr. Squakity June 10, 2005
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A Term created From Pink Floyd's 'The Wall' album which implys that a person is stuck behind some sort of physiological wall, unable to reach the outside world, unable to find reality, only leaving small holes in the wall for whomever he or she cares the most for. This can be extremely traumatic for the person who has in a way 'built' the wall around him or herself in order to escape or run away from the real life problems or people. This condition is often paired with manic or regular depression.
"What's wrong with him?"

"He's stuck in the wall"

"I don't see anything"

"No, it's in his head, the wall is in his head"
by lost, lost, lost May 23, 2009
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A very technical device designed to separate one area from another, and often to provide security to one or more of the said separated areas. It functions by a complex system of interconnected particles forming an impassible barrier that one should not walk into at medium to high speeds, or one risks damage.
The wall that separates my feet from a sausage melted in the shower of tuna.
by bill December 16, 2002
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A flat surface which surrounds an entire room.
by laserman413 September 15, 2018
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An underrated album by Louis Tomlinson, our smol bean from Ome Direction.
A: Walls by Louis Tomlinson is so awesome!! Why are people sleeping on it?
B: Because people are dumb as fuck that's why
by winkys_free September 1, 2020
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