5 definitions by ur mom :))))))))


You should be asking ur self why u looked up why in the first place
Person: why does my life suck
Me: because it just does
by ur mom :)))))))) September 11, 2020
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Louis Tomlinson

Louis tomlinson is a smol bean. He claims he is 5'9 but we all know he is at least shorter than 5 feet :).

But dont be fooled by his innocent face. Listen to no control and you'll get what i mean ;)

His fans call themselves louies

Currently dating Harry styles ( look up TOP 100 LARRY MOMENTS) iykyk

He isnt just another member of one direction. He is an amazing and talented person. stream walls for clear skin ;)
Louis fan: Louis Tomlinson!!! Your such a smol bean
Louis: No!! Im big ;(((
by ur mom :)))))))) September 11, 2020
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Stream walls

A slogan created to promote Louis Tomlinsons newest album :)

Me: Stream walls!!!!!
by ur mom :)))))))) September 11, 2020
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a person who jogs with their dog
Person 1: I like to jog while walking my dogs
Person 2: Oh, so you're a dogger?
by ur mom :)))))))) July 26, 2022
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A very under appreciated album for what it is worth. Louis Tomlinsons first album which is extremely honest and open with listeners.
person 1: STREAM WALLS
person 2: i already have 28 times :)
by ur mom :)))))))) September 23, 2020
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