To search something using the search engine DuckDuckGo. Used the same way as to google.
Do you remember when Kennedy was born? Ah nevermind, let me just get my phone to duck that real quick.
by 711friedchicken June 12, 2020
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To search something using the search engine DuckDuckGo. Used the same way as to google.
Do you remember when Kennedy was born? Ah nevermind, let me just get my phone to duck that real quick.
by 711friedchicken June 12, 2020
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When your autocorrect feels the need to annoy you. Our phones are taking over our free will to speak.
Bob: I ducking hate Joe!
Bob: God Donut I meant ducking
Bob: *ducking
Bob: Duck this phone
Bob: I'm going to jump off a ducking cliff now
by N. D. Toilet August 18, 2014
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A waterfowl.

But also, a funny person
T: I saw two ducks yesterday, they were stalking me through the window

H: I is a duck for sure
by Ace the simp March 9, 2023
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The usage of the DuckDuckGo search engine to look something up.
Tom: Dudes, have you heard how much google is spying on us?

Dick: I have heard something about it, but don’t know the details
Henry: Dude, Tom is right, you should duck it.
by Concerned Citizen 6969 July 31, 2019
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