'Look at him, he's tipsy'
by Alex July 24, 2003
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Tipsy is when you are slightly drunk. On the edge of being drunk. That happy floating feeling that makes you feel calm and relaxed. Sometimes can cause hiccups... that is what "Tipsy" is.
I drank some of my mums champagne and am now sitting on the kitchen bench feeling tipsy.
by HelpMeWithGrog May 15, 2018
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The state when you are drinking alchohol in which you are past light headedness but before being drunk.
I'm tipsy on one and a half budweisers... I love being a featherweight
by Shaun01010 July 11, 2004
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First of all, whoever wrote that your body shuts down and you die if your drunk and high at the same time.....you should be slapped.
-Tipsy is when your buzzin from alcohol, but your not hammered yet.
Person one: Yo are you drunk?
Person two: Nah, im just tipsy
by JLB May 2, 2004
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just a lil drunk not quite drunk
Man im so tipsy rite now i hjad like 8 beers
by LilJOnwhattt: July 22, 2005
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When your not drunk enough.

It is also the usual response when someone wants to drive after they drank excessively.
Rinaldo: Oh crap... these three beers only got me tipsy.

DD: No trust me... I'm good really. I'm just a tid bit tipsy, I can totally walk to my car by myself thanks. Now where did I put my pants?
by T. Baggen April 30, 2009
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Being a little drunk, but not completely.
He's trying to get me tipsy so he can get me in the bed with him.
by Blanchard November 6, 2006
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