50 definitions by LilJOnwhattt:

The most random show on TV by far. The best cartoon on tv. Peter Griffin steals the show
by LilJOnwhattt: July 29, 2005
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A band in the 80's that was caught lip synking. They had 4 hit songs and they were not very good.
Milli Vanilli are fake they couldn't sing
by LilJOnwhattt: July 28, 2005
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SOmeone who likes to eat other people
See Cannibal. Eats peoples body parts
by LilJOnwhattt: July 19, 2005
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A type of sex jelly only found in Europe and Canada that when you put it on it increases sex drive by over 80%.
Connor Underhill is a very great type of sex jelly
by LilJOnwhattt: July 27, 2005
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singer from the black eyed peas that looks like a monkey with long black greasy hair
by LilJOnwhattt: July 19, 2005
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a peice of poo that resembles a penis.
I had a poo the other day that was a total poonis
by LilJOnwhattt: July 20, 2005
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a name for someone with a vagina that you can use for a shopping bag its so big. A vagina that is so big you can park your car in it
Look at judys big vag
by LilJOnwhattt: July 12, 2005
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