When you get a fat red head named Walayla to suck your dick in a trailblazer in front of Beavers store.
by Yee Bo 233 December 9, 2010
That Nick kid is Olsoning so hard. His existence kills brain cells of anyone within a 3 mile radius.
by ldoybl May 5, 2019
by Bigblizzys June 29, 2019
"Olson" is the name from one of the several hot-tempered family lines from North America. With ancestory ranging from scandanavia to polish, the early original angry families such as the "Olson"s migrated to North America like so many other new-world pioneers. North America's weather was and still is a tough bitch to deal with, which is what make the angry families a unique part of North American heritage.
You'll know you are an Olson WHEN..
-Either first, middle, or last name is Olson.
-You live on a farm in Canada.
-You seem to be extremely angry and exciteable.
-Every male in your family is also angry and exciteable.
Above rednecks, yet below high-class, knowing someone from such a lineage is an honor. Although some Olsons have learned to control their explosive reactions, the fact remains that you can still provoke one into an incredible frenzy of old-fashioned swearing, insulting, and fighting.
Just remember that not ALL Olsons are like this, and that there would be evidence needed to prove an "Olson" (see above).
You'll know you are an Olson WHEN..
-Either first, middle, or last name is Olson.
-You live on a farm in Canada.
-You seem to be extremely angry and exciteable.
-Every male in your family is also angry and exciteable.
Above rednecks, yet below high-class, knowing someone from such a lineage is an honor. Although some Olsons have learned to control their explosive reactions, the fact remains that you can still provoke one into an incredible frenzy of old-fashioned swearing, insulting, and fighting.
Just remember that not ALL Olsons are like this, and that there would be evidence needed to prove an "Olson" (see above).
by SeriousDic-tionary October 12, 2009
by Leonard Bacchetta April 20, 2004
To be up a creek without a paddle. To have the whole world in the palm of your hand and then blow it. (A figure of speech)
I'd rather get Olsoned out here in the middle of nowhere then lose face in front of my friends and family.
by OlsonForPres2012 February 18, 2010
Extremely fat, yet still manages to be superficial and critical when it comes to the appearance of others.
"Hey, look at that fat chick!!"- Olson
"Yeah... Lose a hundred pounds or so, and then we'll talk about who's fat, ok?"- normal kid
"Yeah... Lose a hundred pounds or so, and then we'll talk about who's fat, ok?"- normal kid
by lovemetender49 March 30, 2011