(Somewhat archaic) chatspeak for "grin," deriving, AFAIK, from IRC.
See *g*, which is more common nowadays, especially on AIM.
A: So this cop pulls over Dr. Heisenberg and asks, "Do you know how fast you were going?" He replies, "No, officer, but I know where I am!"
B: <g>
by eliah January 8, 2004
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Abreviation for the term Gangster/Gansta (:
Also shortened to "G"
Man: Bruv he's a G*
Woman: No he ent he jus thinks he is
by Chelzi May 28, 2008
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Q: How was the movie?
A: G^G.
by anon February 11, 2005
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1. A gangster

2. A thousand dollars

3. A title of endearment
1. Thats a real G.

2. Let me borrow a G.

3. What up, G?
by DaSnoopinatorFoSho March 22, 2003
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A hundered G's = $100.000
by Fangsta March 18, 2003
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The smiley for pointing a gun to your head, standard for students around exam time when there is to much shit to do in a short amount of time.
Example 1:

Friend: Hey, what you saying this weekend?
You: Nothing man, got two papers to do for a class and there worth 45% of my mark...('_')=g
Friend: Thats shitty man...good luck with that

Example 2: I got two exams on the same day WTF!? ('_')=g
by gerry-D November 29, 2011
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So serious that one has to emphasize the g in g shit in more context.
You: "Yo I just witnessed a robbery right across the street."
Someone: "Yo, g shit?"
You: "Bruh g on the g"
by jksicka204 July 21, 2017
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