The Flats

A kick ass entertainment district on the western side of downtown Cleveland alongside the Cuyahoga River that has some rockin' nightclubs, bars, and restaurants.
Every weekend I went to the Flats during college, I could count on always getting plastered.
by Piranha February 3, 2007
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The purified uncut by product of (Ice) methamphetamine. Processing is done by running ice thru a heated glass tube and allowing it to cool and scraping from surface.
Hey man have you seen Steve? Hes all twacked out on that flat-flat and still owes me $20.

They charging dollar for dollar for the flat-flat in the Lou.

Mike's house got raided and they found 2 zips of flat-flat. His pregnant girlfriend tipped off the police when she was vaccuming the lawn.

Man, you got the flat-flat...heard that's where at.
by MzPanda November 26, 2018
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1. The name given to an apartment which you rent weekly or monthly.
2. The name given to someone who is not cool and is dull and boring
3. The name given to a woman with no or hardly any breasts.
4. Something which is level, does not decrease or increase.
5. The name given to something filled with air which is now de-flated.
1. Wanna come back to my flat?
2. Stop being so flat, come to the party!
3. I realised last nite that my girlfriend was flat and she had been putting tissue in her bra, damn!
4. This years profit margin was flat.
5. Shit! How am i going to get to the prom now, the god damned tyres are flat.
by UncleBeef March 23, 2003
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A single pressed mdma pill
You can tell he off the flats
by Bud hefner April 7, 2018
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by NoLieSpoken October 9, 2020
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a flat

I'm off a flat, I'm not feeling you.
by Greatbosh August 23, 2017
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by Anonymous March 19, 2003
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