Three in the pink, Two in the stink and Three fingers in your own Ass........ Not yet known to be done as of yet, But what an accomplishment if done!!!!!
by Nogs January 22, 2005
The Aztec people dominated central and southern Mexico from the 14th to the 16th century and are best known for having established an elaborate and wide-ranging empire destroyed by Spanish invaders led by Hernán Cortéz. The leader of the Aztecs during the Spanish conquest was the Great Montezuma II. Their name is derived from a mythical homeland to the north called Azatlán, but they also called themselves the Mexica. The Aztec language belongs to the Nahuatlan branch of the Uto-Aztecan family. Human and animal sacrifices were an integral part of Aztec religion. For warriors, the ultimate honor was to be slain in battle or to volunteer for sacrifice in a major ritual. The Aztecs are credited with the discovery of delicious chocolate, made from the fruit of the cacao tree.
by mexman February 13, 2004
The people who pwned Mexico before white trash came along. Best known as creators of the Aztec pyramid, chocolate, and the pinata. Yes, they invented chocolate. Spain found it and stole it.
by Taylor R May 27, 2006
Powerful Indian people and empires that were wiped out by Spaniard-transmitted diseases. Were it not for this and the fact the Aztecs were not well-liked, Cortez and his 500 men would have easily had their asses handed to them by the Aztec empire of millions.
by SovietViking January 18, 2004
the ancient mexican civilization best known for its architecture. sadly, they were killed by the spanish conquistadors and hernando cortes
by this website is ruined January 12, 2006
To be wiped out by disease, or be stricken down with sickness impairing one from functioning normally.
John: Man you werent at work yesterday
Paul:I know man i was so azteced
John: Man how azteced did you get last night?
Paul:I know man i was so azteced
John: Man how azteced did you get last night?
by anonymoussssxxx1 October 9, 2007
Aztecs are small food items, rather like tamales, made of maize and maize husks and gourmet butt cheese.
Sometimes at parties, you can throw Aztecs and they can be a little like darts or beanbags.
Sometimes at parties, you can throw Aztecs and they can be a little like darts or beanbags.
by Jacques Asse February 2, 2010