Dumping your thoughts on Twitter while dumping your excrement in the toilet.
I'm gonna ragequit your stupid plan and then take a Trump on it!
by hopelyannoyed December 13, 2016
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An unsuccessful trip to the bathroom, most likely due to constipation. A metaphor for DonaldTrump’s inability to “drain the swampin spite of numerous promises.
Bro 1: How was your go?

Bro 2: Terrible - all I could do was take a Trump.
by j-mannnnn January 6, 2017
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the act of excreting racist, sexist, homophobic, theocratic, fascist rhetoric from one's oral sphincter; esp. in the presence of large groups of like-minded, gullible, and/or easily influenced/manipulated individuals
Can you believe so many people are watching this guy take a trump and applauding for it?
by cowardly_pigeon November 20, 2015
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To take a MASSIVE, and I mean MASSIVE dump. It usually fills up the whole toilet after you take one.
Harold: Bro what happened

Michael: I had to take a trump last night and it filled up my whole toilet

Harold: Wow.
by BigSmoke40 November 24, 2020
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To tell it like it is when idiots want to silence dissent
To take a Trump:

Trump: America needs sensible immigration laws

Leftist Speech Police: OMG, I just can't even , wow just wow - You're literally Hitler, you fascist, sexist, racist, homophobic, baby eating, Mexican burying, nazi KKK, turtle raping, puppy burning bigot. Everything you say is evil and you're supporters by way of my internal dichotomy are therefore guilty of all the aforementioned hyperbolic drama we accuse Trump of.

Trump Supporter: I don't think that's a fair and accurate statement

Leftist Speech Police: You deserve to die

CNN: This just in, Trump eats babies while Hillary save orphans from cancer.
by Rogerdodgerer October 1, 2016
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