34 definitions by BigSmoke40

A button in Among us that calls a meeting to discuss who is the imposter. It is also a noob's best friend.
Are you kidding? He just pressed the Emergency Meeting button 10 seconds into the game for no reason!
by BigSmoke40 November 6, 2020
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Retard: uh duhhhh 8+7=982

Normal Person: Wow u have 0 iq
by BigSmoke40 November 23, 2020
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A thumbnail that shows something that doesn't appear in the video. Commonly found in Best Trends and Trend Spot videos.

The clickbait thumbnail shows a witch outside Tfue's window and it says Tfue... I found you!
by BigSmoke40 November 24, 2020
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a dinosaur that gets in beeg beeg trouble with the irs
by BigSmoke40 October 23, 2020
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A slightly longer version of Joe Mama, but with Joe Biden to keep it more relevant.
Mike Hawk: Did you hear it was Joe's birthday last Friday?

Ben Dover: Who's Joe?


Ben Dover: I'm never going to fall for one of these again.
by BigSmoke40 November 24, 2020
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When you get a virus from having a cheeto as your president for 4 years. This virus is more dangerous than covid-19 as you will get a virus and cancer.
After 4 years of having a dumb cheeto as the president, I got the Trump Virus.
by BigSmoke40 December 1, 2020
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