Synne is the definition of attractive, beautiful, smart and talented. She can be a bitch some times, but nice to her friends. She gets “all” the boys, but none of them are good enough for her. Popular around boys, girls and the teachers.
by Great_game July 4, 2019
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An (probably) anxious person that wants love. You would probably think she hates you sometimes, but she just has a unique way of showing love. She puts her friends needs above her own, and is the underrated one in the group. Whatever you do, don’t talk down to her! She will probably just laugh it off, but on the inside, she’s hurt. Synne is a peaceful soul and is most likely introverted. If she opens up to you, consider yourself lucky. Synne is mysterious, and you may think you know more about her than you really do. She’s a beautiful and intelligent girl with big dreams. Appreciate her more!
Person 1: Hey, be nice to her! She’s a Synne.
by Bitch from Drammen October 15, 2018
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The worst thing you could ever encounter
Son: mum whats a “Synn”
Mum: A bad thing, stay away from Synn’s
by Octavie May 27, 2021
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Synne is a norwegian name. When you see a beautiful, sexy, smart and funny girl, you will know her name is Synne. Synne will laugh of almost everything you say. She is good in bed and have that hot body! You will regret your life if you don't know a Synne, because she will make your life the happiest!
Guy 1: WOW! She is HOT AF!

Guy 2: Yeah everyone talks about her, her name is Synne.
Guy 1: I have to get to know her, i think i'm in love.
Guy 2: Me too, me too.
by anonymous194616 February 20, 2017
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Let's see...where do we begin? He goes to a Highschool in Washington state. His name is Aaron-pathetic, immensely ignorant, arrogant, judgemental, biased, gloating...verily, a POSER. Who denies that of which he is. He is too cowardice to acknowledge or even see it. He claims to be goth, yet his attitude and morals(if they even exist) are exactly like every other moronic kid's in the school.
He also claims to encourage freedom of expression, yet he bashes on people who want to wear anything that he wears.
If "goth" is a culture and not a style, then why does he have a problem with other people wearing tretch coats? Just because people like to wear them, that shouldn't suggest that they want to label themselves "goth", like he does. He is blinded by his own biasism. His cries for attention are seldom noticed, So he shouldn't try so hard to be "different". Because he will never be. Oh, and one more thing-he is supposedly a black belt, yet his pathetic yet hilarios videos he posts of himself practising his so-called "martial arts", are really ameteur-putting it mildly.
by Alice Pleasance January 31, 2009
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A person who can seduce your grandpa and drink a gallon of vodka. She plays the viola and sleeps a lot. You better not be on the opposite team if you're playing sports. She'll run over you like a truck. If you want to encounter a Synne Løvik, i would recommend searching around the philippines. This creature tends to roam around the highlands and the mountains where you can find goats and musk oxes. If you're wearing a red shirt while encountaring a wild Synne, you should take it off as soon as possible. She will charge at you with her viola and kill you with out of tune octaves and trironuses. ALWAYS bring pepper spray and a fork to fend off a wild Synne Løvik.
Omfg! Look there, a Synne Løvik is trying to kill that musk ox.

Omg yes! I bet she'll swallow it whole.
by Jøllemann January 19, 2022
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