A mapping technique in osu!std (osu! standard) referring to multiple hit circles close to each other forming a curve/line.
Duuuuuuude why do I always overstream that one specific stream at the end?!
by Markix November 10, 2024
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When one slithers like a snake or becomes liquid to exit or enter a room
"Nooooooo he is officially leaking out"
"Stream out/in my boy
by WildWillez December 13, 2020
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When having sex, after a woman squirts, to keep fucking her until the juices start to bubble and pop.
So did you take care of her or just bump her and dump her?
No dude, I was soda streaming her, then I threw her out.
by DSwede August 2, 2019
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Also known as "Gaming Bucket" the streaming bucket, it's usually a jar hidden below the desk of a long time streamer, that it's used to avoid going to the bathroom mid stream or mid game.
Moh: Damn I need to go pee
viewer: You can always use your streaming bucket
Moh: Oh right
by Mpc46 July 27, 2022
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A stream in which the streamer is sliding around on the floor covered in mayo.
by EpicHunter October 5, 2023
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1. The name used to describe the pipes and canal works in a sewerage farm.
2. another term used to describe diarrhea
1. once the poop goes through filter one it travels down the poo stream to filter two.
2. i waas on teh toilet for an hour, it was a mighty poo stream gushing down there
by shaneaisbett July 1, 2004
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