The act of rubbing tobasco sauce on one's boner in order to make it spicey.

Will bought some tobasco to get spicey boners.
by lordcooterblood May 27, 2006
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preforming oral on a mensturating girl
i gave her a spicey linda and she gave me an Eric the Red
by some dork February 4, 2004
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Person 1: he's got some attitude today, tagged at me earlier

Person 2: he's a spicey noodle
by Forestfox25 May 16, 2021
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Dipping your finger into a jar of hot salsa and then sticking said finger in your lovers asshole. Resulting in a Spicey Juan!
Peter asked Joy to give him a Spicey Juan!
by Mgmcbride52 April 2, 2017
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I had a vindaloo from 'The Raj', and went home and gave me missus a right good Spicey Panchani.
by Helvelyn19 April 27, 2023
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Cum which tastes of spice after eating spices
After Sam ate one too many mission burritos, a girl spat his spicey cum back at him claiming it was too spicy.
by Anyang27 May 9, 2021
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A woman or man uses hot sauce as lubricant while masturbating or having sexual intercourse.
Ted was doing the "Spicey Mcgregor" while he played hanky spanky.
by Ambassador Krayola February 11, 2011
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