A terrible place to be in

If you have no backing, you could be a toy to anyone, who have the means and capabilities to make videos to profit

High on a 'pedestal' , but a laughing stock to anyone

Filled with superficial people who are unkind, who worship people with influence and affluence
but trample on those without
Why would you want to stay in your comfort zone karen?
Because I don't want to be in society
by publicownedhome March 18, 2021
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An important concept to human existence, that people in the 21st century have forgotten the entire meaning of (and conservatives just flat-out do not believe in, Margaret Thatcher said it herself).
Society means that everything is not just about YOUR desires all the time, there are other people who matter besides yourself, and that you can't just do what YOU want all the time, you have to consider not only the people immediately in your vicinity, but the rest of the population of your country (and ultimately, the world, but let's work on the small things first, people can't even get that right).
Yes, you have to pay your taxes. Yes, you have to wear your seat belt. Yes, you have to wear a mask (properly!) during a deadly pandemic. No, you can't drive like a fuckhead, cut in lines, and take your guns to fucking Starbucks. You live in a SOCIETY.
by q359 July 26, 2023
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A word that takes the blame for everyone’s problems. Used by people who need to fight for a cause because their life in boring and they are desperate for attention.
It’s society’s fault.”
by GirlWorking423andme August 31, 2019
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People are gonna look at the ashes of Westerburg high school and they're gonna think "here's a school that self destructed not because society doesn't care but because that school WAS society"
by bluehairedemon November 20, 2022
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Oooohhh... Oh.. It's the society that wants me fat and single... Well.... There you go... I live to please, I guess...
Hym "See how they still invoke society like some kind of deity? Society doesn't want anything. That's why I always talk about 'You'. Get it? But it wants you to be fat and single so you're going to do "good things" for it? And that good thing is the opposite of what it wants? That doesn't make any sense. And there is an ethical dilemma there. Not inherently good. If your kids are (in anyway) a hindrance to me then it isn't good for society because society is (in part) me. I'm like 1/350,000,000th of the society demon and, you're right, I do want me to be fat and single BUUUUT you getting fucked by a Not-me doesn't do anything for me. Certainly not anything good. Seriously. You're a not-me and then you fuck a not-me and then shit out another not-me. I gain nothing and lose political power. You literally devalued my vote in 18 years. Nothing good happens to anyone who isn't you when you do that."
by Hym Iam March 4, 2023
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i don't need to say anything, if you looked at my last def, you know all you need to know, when you don't question it, its fine you don't need to question it why? you follow it, but when you do question it, that's when you see its flaws. just rake furry for an example, when you dont question it they look hideous as frick, when you do question it, who named them? how come they are hated by everyone? and some more questions like that, i could have a whole book of questions like that, but we both know what its gona say
by someone else thats not u February 8, 2021
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