Something or someone that is ridiculed by everyone else and is often well-known only because it is so ridiculous and so bad it's funny.
The 2004 USA "Dream Team" is the laughing stock of the basketball world.
David Hasselhoff is the laughing stock of the rap music industry.
William Hung is the laughing stock of the American people.
David Hasselhoff is the laughing stock of the rap music industry.
William Hung is the laughing stock of the American people.
by Nick D August 16, 2004
by Jude Charfauros February 19, 2009
The country formerly known as the United States of America post Nov 2016. Means state of ridicule being suffered by association by a once proud and accomplished great nation which has given a huge amount to world culture and also generously saved our asses here in Britain not once but twice in the twentieth century.
I feel really sorry for all the decent people in the USA whose country is now just a laughing stock. You could say they brought it on themselves though, but that's perhaps a bit harsh, and the same thing could very easily happen elsewhere and far worse has.
by Webrumāros March 19, 2018
The joke of the internet, until the next one comes along. Due to the short attention span of the collective internet, being the laughing stock for an entire week is very bad.
by SomeCaliGirl October 1, 2022