A supposedly "insult" that mostly racist,homphobic,trump supporting conservatives use when other call them out for stuff like homophobia,transphobia,racisam,facism etc.
Random asshole: faggots need to burn in hell
Random person: That homophobic stop being homophobic there is no good reason for you to be homophobic
Random asshole: Snowflake
by stoopid rat March 8, 2021
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Supporters of Donald Trump still crying 6 month after he lost the election.
ARe those snowflakes STILL crying? Tell them he's still your President.
by OldWolf May 17, 2021
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A hypersensitive, irrational person who can't stand to have their world views challenged, or be offended in any perceived or even slightest of ways; they will have any number of emotional reactions: impuning character and/or motives, blocking on social media, shouting, interrupting, threatening, assaulting, etc. They often live in an echo chamber of their own beliefs and surround themselves exclusively with people and opinions that agree with their own. This term is most often use to describe people left-leaning people, but can be applied both left and right wing people.
I told that snowflake that I respectfully disagree and had some questions, and she started screaming that I was a nazi.
John Doe saw that I agreed with Jane Doe on an issue, and he blocked me; I never knew he was so petty snowflake.
by RWKink June 4, 2017
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A flake that is mostly made of snow.
Many flakes of snow can be fashioned into a ball of snow,
A snowman is mostly made of snowflakes.
by rusty ringpiece January 6, 2017
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A flake of that white stuff that comes out of the sky in the winter.
A snowflake just landed on your nose.
by Stephanie MH July 28, 2005
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Thin-skinned, orange-hued man who gets offended easily and tweets about it at 3 AM. Term may also be used for his "alt-right" followers who believe in alternative facts and become offended when presented with documented reality.
"Those comedians are snowflakes if they don't like the tough policies I'm setting. They need to stop making fun of me. I'm going to tweet at 3 AM and tell them to apologize!"
by pineapplepeach321 February 6, 2017
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A derogatory term for a forum moderator who has no spine and is thus perceived as being 'light weight' much like a 'snowflake'.
'You gave me a warning for calling someone an 'average loser', what a snowflake.'
by Yadayada August 25, 2007
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