
Used to describe a bag of marijuana that has less weed in it than you bought.
Guy #1: Checkout this fat quarter I got us fellas

Guy #2: Fat?? that looks like an eighth, you got shorted up your dealer and bitch to him..why did I give you my money?

Guy #3: yeah you got ripped off..u still gonna sell me a gram?
by 311smoke420 July 12, 2008
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When a Man walks into a restroom to find that the only urinal available is the short one.
When out at the bar it comes time to take a piss. When you go to the can you find out everyone else had the same idea as you and the short urinal is the only available. You've been Shorted.
by cityofvoltz December 28, 2011
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a pair of shorts that exposes parts of the leg that are not meant to be exposed

usually worn by females, or males who are extremely comfortable with themselves
"nice short-shorts!!!(guy smiling and giving thumbs up)"

"ew, those short-shorts are showing more than I need to see!"
by garTITS July 17, 2009
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short shorts

very, very short shorts
ew, he's wearing short shorts.

damn, she's wearing short shorts
by the breshkleeg master thing February 5, 2009
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short shorts

1. Short pants whose hemline is above the finger tips with the arms at one's sides.

2. Short pants whose hemline is above half-thigh.

Also: "short-shorts".
Runner's shorts are often short shorts.
by p1z0 January 5, 2010
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short shorts

shorts worn short enough for your junk to hang out; worn by runners because they are "supposed" to make you run faster
hey look there is Nirav running in his short shorts and his junk is hanging out
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