a very vague term, describing a low quality, troll, or deliberately dumb post
"shitposts dont get to the front page"
by 322997am September 6, 2017
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Meme God or Goddess. Usually dedicated their lives to sharing memes and making others laugh and/or offended. 10/10 recommend having one in your life.
“Dude, your memes are so funny. You’re my favourite shitposter
by MiriahtheAnn October 6, 2020
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A prime example of someone who uses social media platforms to post memes and or gifs to make people laugh.
Ali loves to make people laugh, she’s a shitposter and a proud one at that.
by Nosila Smada 13 November 18, 2020
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An ironic art form of expressive yet apathetic funposting practiced only on s4s, the philosophical meme factory board on 4 CHAN.
I spent hours a few hours today drawing wew lad naked, now I'm going to spend the next 3 days shitposting about it.
by fishpenis July 21, 2015
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1. (verb) 3rd person present: shitposts past tense: shitposted past participle: shitposted present participle: shitposting To make numerous social media or forum posts each of which involve a meme. See also: spam

2. (verb) To derail an online chat conversation with something unrelated and/or off-topic.

3. (noun) plural: shitposts Numerous social media or forum posts with a meme involved.

(noun) plural: shitposters A social media or forum user who posts no less than 400 unwanted memes daily on social media or forums.
This definition may be considered a shitpost because it was written by someone who sucks at literacy. Why the hell am I writing shitposts when I shouldn't even be writing?
by Wikkidvommit32 September 1, 2017
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shitposting is posting random low quality stuff on the internet
for example: stop shitposting tf2 memes bro
by ur mom any% March 29, 2021
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