Meme God is a term used in reference to a meme or person which appears to have godlike meme magic powers. KEK from the Cult of Kek is often used as a synonym for Meme God.
by epycurasWynter February 26, 2017
Ex. Person 1: "Gem has the dankest memes, could it be that he is the Meme God"
Person 2: "Yeah Bro, there can be only one"
Person 2: "Yeah Bro, there can be only one"
by MemeBeast420 December 26, 2016
A fucking unloved fat fuck who is also somebody you don't wanna be because they are the most disgusting creature who has ever lived on this planet
by JustCallMeDrippy November 11, 2020
The founder of the meme rap posse M3M3 G4NG, Dylan the Meme God is the legendary meme rapper known for such songs as Juul Freestyle, Be a Gentleman, and Pee-Pee Boyz. He is usually found roaming the streets of Philadelphia and Delaware County, wearing streetwear and his signature ushanka clout goggle combo. His lyrics are both edgy and philosophic, appealing to 12-year-olds and senior citizens alike.
did you see the way Dylan The Meme God helped that old woman across the street?
yo Dylan the Meme God, pass the Juul.
Dylan The Meme God's new mixtape made me cry uncontrollably
yo Dylan the Meme God, pass the Juul.
Dylan The Meme God's new mixtape made me cry uncontrollably
by sugmaballs420 September 10, 2018
this is a type of god(or goddess) with the ability to make dank memes. usually seen when believed in.. (they float around outer space and on other planets too!)
by ViviKimono August 31, 2017
A God meme is the lord memer who creates memes to powerful for mankind to handle. The "throne" is held by Ethan Klein from h3h3productions.
by someboooooooody May 17, 2016