Shitloads is "short" for lots.
I have shitloads of Mp3s on my computer.
by Rebel Racer November 14, 2004
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not an actual unit of measurement, rather it is slang for the numerical value of 88. Thus while something can be a shitload of pounds that is not the proper definition, a shitload of apples would in fact be 88 apples, not 88 pounds of apples.
man: so how many men have you slept with?

woman: a shitload

man: slut...
by Dr. Ostrom April 25, 2007
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More things than you want to count.
dude, you have a shitload of bongs in your kitchen.
by Max September 19, 2003
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Comes from the days when donkeys were used to transport goods. The progression goes:
donkey load -> assload -> buttload -> shitload

It's quite simple.
by puresex September 21, 2005
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A load of mascerated shit held in a tank of a vessel. The load varies depending upon the size of the vessel. A recreational vessel will have a smaller shitload (20 G) than a commercial vessel (1000 G).
There's a shitload of stinking crap floating on the water.
by Sapon January 13, 2005
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A large amount, so large in fact that it is riculous... like a load of shit would be riduculous (that is why the word is shitload and not something ordinary like people-load).
Naman: How much homework do you have?
Virginia: A shitload!
by chettyB October 18, 2009
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