A useful substitute for the word "shit". This G-Rated slang is to be used in public settings, such as school when your teacher wouldn't approve of you saying "shit".
by thekooker December 7, 2010
I have to file that? You're a Shiste.
Haha you have to file that I shisted you
Ima shiste Mrs. Field next period with 12 missing assignments 1 hour before
School ends on the last day of school
Haha you have to file that I shisted you
Ima shiste Mrs. Field next period with 12 missing assignments 1 hour before
School ends on the last day of school
by 406 mugsta October 27, 2015
A mist of shit - i.e. a very watery diarrhea that sprays, likely caused by the ingestion of laxatives. It tends to leave small droplets on the toilet and on surrounding areas.
by im12andwatisthis March 28, 2014
Used in place of 'shit' by people trying to quit their bad habbit of swearing, or when a person feels that they are too pure to swear.
Has the compounded benefit of rhyming with the swear word 'Christ'
Has the compounded benefit of rhyming with the swear word 'Christ'
by Avi February 4, 2004
Person1: Holey shist!
Person2: You mean shit?
Person1:Dude, you are so lucky to get shist to research, the name is so cool!
Person2: I know man, right?
Person1: Holey shist!
Person2: You mean shit?
Person1:Dude, you are so lucky to get shist to research, the name is so cool!
Person2: I know man, right?
by Food is life December 28, 2011
Livin' life shisted.
by anewbeginning April 18, 2009