1. The hottest person to walk this earth. God reincarnated, an individual with an aura surrounding them to appear as if they are burning with desire. The drips unreal.
‘Sheesh đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„â€™ replying to social media post/story/Snapchat
by Doubtfulshark April 19, 2021
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A very sheesh moment, a phrase that describes how something occurring is very sheesh like. (Typically said by a kid names jeremy)
Dude sheesh can be used in a situation where people are complimenting each other:
"Yo Jeremy that is very DUUUUUUUDE SHEEEEEESH of you!"
by Jimmyboobs May 2, 2023
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when someone bites to much and you're sick of it.
Person 1: yea thomas go bag that girl
Person 2: yea go bag her

Person 1: Sheesh Biter!
by william2 January 23, 2009
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When you're in a family friendly setting and want to say holy shit and sheesh at the same time.
by gaycha more like gay October 4, 2021
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Sheesh Kebab is a versatile word that can be used as an exclamation and even a verb.
It’s main use is replacing profanity. For when you’re around the little ones. Or even I’m public

1. “What the fuck” will change to “What the Sheesh kebab”
2. “Fuck” will change to “Sheesh kebab”
3. “Shit” will change to “Sheesh kebab”
4. “Dick” will change to “Sheesh kebab”
5. “You bastard” will change to “you sheesh kebab”
6. “You asshole” will change to “you sheesh kebab”

As an exclamation it can be used to express anger or victory.

It can also be used in an everyday sentence, to express any type of emotion. Such as confusion, excitement, just feeling good or amazing, suspiciousness etc.

Boy eating his poo*
Parents walk in*

Gets a 3 pointer*
Basketball player: SHEESH KEBAB!!!!!


Bill: How are ya mate?
by Smarterthananass January 6, 2019
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Put yourself in peak climax and beyond. If you’re getting that “Shivering Sheesh” she’s going make your soul leave your body post nut. When she just doesn’t stop and your body is in a constant shiver, you have no choice but to let out a SHEESH, hence, the “Shivering Sheesh.”
The amount of talent that bitch has with her mouth will give anyone a Shivering Sheesh.
by TeamCletus. November 23, 2022
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If you are Sheesh Mcgee, it is a prestigious honor and you deserve all the peena touches you can get.
Jason: YO! Is that Sheesh Mcgee?!
Sheesh Mcgee: yes
by Jakeisaniggainparis February 24, 2021
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