William Shakespeare was a brilliant playwright who's works are the cause of constant bitching from people either too stupid to understand them, or too lazy to bother to try.

His most famous works being: Hamlet, Macbeth, and Othello. Which deal with (respectively): A depressed goth kid, Assassinating leaders, and interracial sex...if this isn't relevant to modern times I don't know what is.
OoooMGGGGGGG Shakespeare was the reason I H8ed english class!!!!!!11111111111111111
by You Like Yellow June 8, 2006
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the verb that describes the act of someone, who is madly in love to the point where it becomes overly dramatic and obsessive, and they start talking like shakespeare would have
1: "Thou hast stolen my heart, you fair angel from the heavens!"
2: "woah calm down you're shakespearing
by Jmanfh November 18, 2013
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v. \ˈshāk-ˌspir\ To invent, or otherwise put a new word into practice.
by th1138 August 20, 2010
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a pear who holds a skull and says things that rhyme
yo jimmy dat shakespeare copyed the shakesapple damn shit our society is shited up man
by patricia morarez October 14, 2020
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1. rather good but slightly overrated playwright
2. largely considered one of the most horrendous forms of torture ever imposed on countless school children.
"shows over shakespeare" ---Homer Simpson
by sylvie December 22, 2004
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