
A very unattractive, creepy guy at bar, who lurks, watches, and looks for women to hit on. He is also the unattractive, creepy guy on the dance floor who will attempt to dance with you multiple times and never get the hint that you don't want to.
"Look at all the guys in here, preying on all these chicks. What a bunch of scummies."

"He wanted to know what we were doing after this cause he wanted us to come over and "have fun". He's such a scummie."
by Jackie McNasty May 20, 2009
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the state of being really drunk or describing someone who is really drunk.
Bonny was came up to my apartment scummy as shit! or I'm 'bout to get scummy on my birthday!
by qdmasta September 2, 2003
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the proper way to refer to the fans of the Arizona State Sun Devils.
I just saw those two scummies flattening truck tires cause they lost the game. They're at it again! Dirty Scummies!
by UoA Rules February 29, 2012
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1) One who looks like complete shit.
2)One who never pays for anything and sponges off everyone else.
1) "Last night was so good"
"Yeah, you look pretty scummy."

2) "Can I bum a smoke man?"
"scummy Cunt!!"
by Lady Punk June 21, 2006
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Way to saucy,often unable to acheive a chubby,maintaining consciousness with use of illegal drugs while in party rhythm,he who is scummy is often the cornerstone of any function-term often used by st.paul lowlifes associated with the tilt gang
We dont get hyphy we get SCUMMY I thought you thought
by Dibbs November 22, 2007
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also used as scumbag.
adjective or noun: between good friends said in a affectionate way it can mean "you might sleep around/do drugs/play women/etc but I find it hilarious"

usually male but can mean female, 18-25
can usually tell hilarious stories because of all their antics, you won't ever have a dull moment when your boys are a bunch of scummies. can hold their liquor, loud, and probably burn a shitload of L's a day, and have been wearing ed hardy since it came out and listened to weezy's freestyles back when they weren't mainstream & probably know every lyric. smoke menthol.
a good person when it comes to their close friends and family, just don't expect more than a one night stand from them. and they might try and give you the shocker. or run a train on you. somehow they're still likable.

still can be a insult if you're not on good terms with someone.
"hey i might go home with this girl tonight... she said she wants to fuck" - person 1
"didn't you fuck that other girl upstairs earlier tonight?" - person 2
"umm *laughs* i'm sloppy as hell right now"- person 1
"that's why i love you scummy never a dull moment."- person 2
"you already know" - person 1
by imtoostonedtowritethissong February 12, 2010
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A Slut that gives multiple blow jobs to boys, while being under the influence of Alcohol(not beer because they are to bitch to drink it, only hard shit) and or Marijuana(reefer, budd,and mary-jane.) Also does not want a boyfriend at the time being because she is too worried about hooking up with as many guys as she can in a certain period of time.
To fix this problem get a guy that is above 6 feet tall army lacrosse player to keep her in line and show that bitch who is boss.
Lane(j dog) just that girl that is oh so hot scummy
by cot June 27, 2007
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