
Scum commies; the word politicians want to use all the time, but are not allowed to.
The scummies are planning to take over the U.S.A. senate
by abandonedtoast May 14, 2016
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a group of dog that are a huge pain in the butt
by wine4south November 18, 2011
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A story from a drunken hookup with a less than attractive person.
Oh man, do I have a scummy to tell you about.. that girl was nasty!
by Ronan Conlan January 27, 2007
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best game EVA, played newhere, on trains buses, the most abusive card game

Kristin h: an abusive term used to lower one's self esteem whilst in the card game of scumbag
suck you lost, you stupid scummmy you
by Peh Meh April 26, 2004
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Is a kathleen chicken head that will suck chicken feed off your pecker
AY man we went to the phases today and the scummies were cluckin like a bihhhh.
by JIZZLE/MY/NIZZLE July 19, 2010
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scummy joe

a rolled up cigarette or joint usually less than an inch long
''i only have a little bit of baccy left''
''just roll a scummy joe''
by the scummy joe October 12, 2012
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Scummy Youtuber

My Friend: Hi Have You've Heard Of Braso
Me: Yes And He's A Scummy Youtuber Who Milks On Technoblade Twice So He Can Get Tons Of View & Subscribers And Also Profiting Off It And Also Faked His Donation
My Friend: Yeah i Agree
by Climbcraft Mine504 July 8, 2022
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