Scummy Mummy

Aspires to be that kind of young, trendy, active mother on social media, but fails horrifically in all regards. Their regular posts, largely shared from other sources, include how all models are actually ugly without PhotoShop, prize competitions to win holidays to Ibiza, scare stories about people giving out Halloween candy that's secretly drugs and conspiracy theories about Madeleine McCann, as well as horror stories contributed by other Scummy Mummies of things to happen to their children, with captions such as 'If sum1 did that to my wee Beyonce I'd flippin rek them, hnnnnng.'
A typical scummy mummy will spend several hours a day applying make-up, before posting to Facebook that real men like real women and not fake ones like Kate Upton.
by falsetokaiba May 3, 2019
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Scummy Mission

Your only having sex with this girl because ur drunk, a girl who is only an average looking girl who you wouldnt do while sober but when drunk you would bang her.
Man 1 "Man someone said jennifer was hot"
Man 2 "Naw man she a scummy mission though"
by xX541Xx December 13, 2011
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Scummy Rat

Most predominantly named Nic
by Wingy460 August 6, 2021
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scummy bear

A Greek delicacy, the scummy bear is a gummy bear that has previously been inserted into a hairy mans dirty asshole
Jimmy fell asleep first so we fed him a scummy bear
by El Coochie Man October 2, 2020
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scummy bum

When your ass itches, and the only solution is to shower. Usually caused by poor hygiene.
John: My butt is itching, and I took a shower..

Jim: You’ve got a scummy bum man..
by Capt.Mick March 24, 2024
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Scummy Cummy

When one ejaculates, but immediately prior to doing so, pulls their underwear and undergarments over their genital area, resulting in the cumshot being contained, but having a huge, obvious cumshot staining the crotch of the person.
Person A: "You see Person C lately? I can't believe it, they had a Scummy Cummy dead and centre."
Person B: "Holy shit, how big was it?"
Person A: "Looked like they pissed themselves, they must've done it in a hurry."
by asdfasgadfg February 27, 2021
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