a lower class scruffy woman with loose morals, questionable hygeine, no shame,no manners with animalistic traits who will drink until she's unconscious,or gets into a fight.
she in one scrilly bitch!
by Killian Jordan/Yvonne Kenny November 17, 2007
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The person who is next in line for something. Coined by Steve in Colorado for a cigarette.
"Who's Smokin?"
"I call scrillys on that shit"
by Steve-r July 23, 2006
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Slang term desribing a cone of marijuana.
Derived from "Scrunching Scrillies" which is a play on the term "Punching Billies"
"Hey bro can I haver another scrilly?"

adjective: "I'm heaps fucking scrillied man"
by the original pocho man October 4, 2010
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Scrotum, but especially when in a retracted and shriveled state.
Your SCRILLIES look a praying mantis embryo casing!
by Winky Loo October 22, 2019
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to grab someones, ehem, "Pee pee", and then shout "Scrilly willy!"
Cody performed a scrilly willy on Benjamin
by hi November 17, 2006
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A young boy/man, naive to the world yet astute in colouring in, predisposed to light techno and abstract artistic expression, staying up late at night and partial to a late night Huel shake to keep the endorphins flowing
Man, that guy is such a scrilly staying up late working on his geography project
by Stealillymcknobface April 18, 2019
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My scrillies are freezing and look like a walnut casing. Like somebody has chewed chewing gum with their front teeth and then stuck it under my shlong.
by Winky Loo April 19, 2020
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