A prison that every person is in for about 12 years at average. A school is also known as a place to get your education from.
" School is really important to your education Little Jimmy. "
by JonahIS_aLiar May 9, 2022
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The utter and trash place in which all that you do is go from class to class. You just learn useless stuff that the dumb government wants you to know. There is no point in learning all this shit.

School is basically hell.
by BRUH1169 March 31, 2020
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A place where you can't use the fucking bathroom and have to hold your piss to the point where your bladder explodes open. A place where hell usually breaks out. The place where homework holds you back from everything you've ever wanted to do, but do it anyways so your parents don't kill you.
Mom: How was school today?

Me: It was shit
Mom: What?
Me: It was good
Mom: I see you have 20 missing assignments
Me: Fuck
by balls v421 April 17, 2023
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Hey, Kyle did someone walk within 2 metres of you? Then just shoot up the school
by TheNameIsOsama September 12, 2019
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The place where parents send their children because there isnt enough room at the orphanage
God dangit , I guess we gotta send them to school.
by Digestive System December 7, 2020
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