A magical place where time moves 100x slower.
Me: your probably in school googling this up
by idkwhattoputhereso0000 February 15, 2021
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Is a waste of time. Don't go there because you will lose brain cells from the bullshit they give you. Its prison for kids. You have 0 hours of happiness there DO NOT GO THERE!!! Homeschooling the answer where you can unleash your inner creativity and freedom. School has teachers who don't give two shits about you cuz they are doing it for the money and THEY WILL GET MAD AT YOU because they have nothing else in life to do and they are bored. DO NOT TRUST THEM. OVER ALL school is a trash can that your parents throw you in cuz they are too lazy to take care of you and give you the enough attention you need.
Fuck school
I hate anything that has to do with it
by idontknowwhattowriteso05 October 24, 2019
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Corner of Hell, probably brought on Earth by the Devil himself. One of the only places where kids above 10 years old suffer internally and externally. Some adults might see school as being helpful and/or a good place to make friends, but it's exactly the opposite.

The number one reason why school is just a crap ton of BS is because of "The very fair grading system that judges people based on how many small little fucks they give about school" (1)
Additionally, school can also ruin your relationship with your own parents out of multiple reasons (2)
And don't get me started on the 5 hours of homework.
(1) - Why should I learn about biology I'm never going to be a doctor I literally puke when I see blood.



- n-no

-WHY?! IS SCHOOL A JOKE TO YOU?! NO MORE TV FOR YOU!!! *yeets the TV out the window*
by moist_mcdonald the 3rd February 6, 2022
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School is a place were ADULTS send their children to learn but the KIDS see a prison
Teacher Vision: Welcome to school class a. Kid Vision: Welcome to prison cell a
by øOøOø November 9, 2018
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it sucks. #skoolsucks#why#hell#whydoesthisabominationevenexistlikeyouareruiningpeoplesliveswiththisminimumwagebullshitthatteachershavetogothroughlikewhatthehell#unhappy
KID 1 - i hate school
KID 2 - me too.
by Full Fledged Trash November 17, 2020
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The process of constant struggle and pain just to get to one simple goal; being your own fucking human being. You are in a seemingly neverending repetitive cycle of the same bullshit, sometimes tweaked a bit. If you get a class with your friends or a teacher that genuinely gives a shit, you should be considered one of the luckier people and probably consider participating in the lottery, since this shit is unlikely as hell. The only good portions of this shit is an after school activity such as sports or esports, seeing your friends, sometimes a free lunch, and developing a deep and meaningful relationship with a significant other. If you get none of that, then I am sorry because you're all alone in a prison that tells you when and when not you can talk, eat, or even use a fucking bathroom.
Tyler: "There are actually 8 circles of hell."
Sam: "What is the 8th?"
Tyler: "School."
by March 15, 2022
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