1 definition by idontknowwhattowriteso05

Is a waste of time. Don't go there because you will lose brain cells from the bullshit they give you. Its prison for kids. You have 0 hours of happiness there DO NOT GO THERE!!! Homeschooling the answer where you can unleash your inner creativity and freedom. School has teachers who don't give two shits about you cuz they are doing it for the money and THEY WILL GET MAD AT YOU because they have nothing else in life to do and they are bored. DO NOT TRUST THEM. OVER ALL school is a trash can that your parents throw you in cuz they are too lazy to take care of you and give you the enough attention you need.
Fuck school
I hate anything that has to do with it
by idontknowwhattowriteso05 October 24, 2019
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