school lunch

The most disgusting shit in the world. You might as well drink your own cum. It would probably taste better and be healthier than this crap. Seriously, the burgers are put on moldy wheat buns and are drier than the sahara desert. the milk is chunky because of how expired that shit is. Only get the mandarin oranges. Those are the only things that look and taste edible. The lunch ladies have more hair on them than a 40 year old greasy male. They have the body of a linebacker. Bring your own lunch or just get fast food. Don't worry about the health with the fast food as it will be healthier. I can't believe they serve this shit. I feel like this is why kids commit suicide and shoot up schools(no that is not a joke).
I would rather fuck a homeless person than eat this shitty school lunch.
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School lunch

Sloppy dry tasteless food that is served to children in a place that is more like jail but they call it "school".
The school lunch pizza taste horrible today. I had rather ate rat poison.
by BriAmarsico March 23, 2018
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school lunch

a scam
you pay 1-5 bucks for bad food
you could have spent that money on actual food
by MINGUS_MUNGIS March 30, 2021
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School Lunch In The U.S

Having to choose what to eat everyday is a hassle! Everything is just so appetizing. They have choices that range from a mystery meat patty wrapped In soggy waffles to rock hard powdery bread that break your teeth when you bite into it! My personal favorite is the frost bitten carrots with ranch that give you diarrhea. There is also a specialty on Fridays, pizza bagels! (Uncooked dough in the shape of a bagel, expired tomato sauce from 1978 with some cheese slapped on.) That one is sure a fan favorite. If you’re lucky, sometimes it’s in the shape of a glorious rectangle. How spectacular is that!? We often also get bright orange fries In this weird spike shape and fruit cups that nobody can ever open. If you do succeed to open it, it will splat all in your face and even down your shirt! We also have a wide variety of beverages. Chocolate milk that is basically chocolate water and regular milk with a slight rancid smell which are served in weak cardboard cartons that leak. If you want water, you will have to drink out of the water fountain which is never cleaned that everybody puts their mouth on. I hope this changed your perspective of just how beautiful and life changing this lunch can be. Have a great day!
by maddie_1873 July 28, 2023
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School lunch

The worst non-edible concoction of the universe. Food that is an old, over or under cooked, too greasy, spoiled version of real food.
Kyle: did u see the school lunch dude
Matt: yeah it looks like dog shit
by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 19, 2022
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School Lunch

"School Lunch." School is the worst and lunch is okay, but put together it's pure shit wound together by strings of raisins, boogers, and mystery meat.
Melissa had been taken into the ER because she ingested school lunch: Lunch Lady Barb's "mushroom Jello" which was gelatinous cream of mushroom soup.
by I make Definitions Bree November 30, 2021
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