"Huh. So many people complaining about school lunches here. Am I THIS ungodly lucky to the point that I get a school that serves actually edible lunches that isn't just raw fruit or raw vegetables? I couldn't imagine if my school lunches were worse than prison food."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022
The most disgusting shit in the world. You might as well drink your own cum. It would probably taste better and be healthier than this crap. Seriously, the burgers are put on moldy wheat buns and are drier than the sahara desert. the milk is chunky because of how expired that shit is. Only get the mandarin oranges. Those are the only things that look and taste edible. The lunch ladies have more hair on them than a 40 year old greasy male. They have the body of a linebacker. Bring your own lunch or just get fast food. Don't worry about the health with the fast food as it will be healthier. I can't believe they serve this shit. I feel like this is why kids commit suicide and shoot up schools(no that is not a joke).
by someguywhoisonurbandictionary March 12, 2021
Sloppy dry tasteless food that is served to children in a place that is more like jail but they call it "school".
by BriAmarsico March 23, 2018
by MINGUS_MUNGIS March 30, 2021
by pee675894320573956678954895 February 22, 2022
A barely edible microwaved meal that requires a starvation level of 15+ to consume. The consistency is generally sloshy or rubber like a fucking tire. Most school lunches are pathetic due to the creation of the Obama Burger.
by bootyclapper34135 March 30, 2023
The worst non-edible concoction of the universe. Food that is an old, over or under cooked, too greasy, spoiled version of real food.
by TheSmartOne.. Maybe April 19, 2022