11 definitions by I make Definitions Bree

Ability to be someone who sits on Costco floors to protest.
by I make Definitions Bree December 7, 2021
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You get to play this game for a long time unless you screw up so bad you get disqualified. Disqualification isn't painful unless you deserve it. Some people lose this game on purpose. Some don't mean to.
Eighty-year-old woman smiles at her granddaughter. "Look at you, Judy! You're so lucky you're young and get to play the game of life for a long, long time." Judy looks at her mother. "Mom, is she senile or something?
by I make Definitions Bree December 7, 2021
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Stands for Physical Enemies. Also known as a class taken in school often including closet-sized locker rooms and dodgeballs with the impact of a bullet.
Lauren had stocked her rations and prepared in battle for the perilous class...P.E.!
by I make Definitions Bree November 30, 2021
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She will surprise you. Often siennas are like mirrors. You see one thing and then another. She is nice then mean and also sometimes will have boyfriends that last a day or two, maximum. Otherwise excellent.
Sienna is cool sometimes.
by I make Definitions Bree December 14, 2021
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snaccidents may happy when you accidently consume a snack. On accident.
"It was a totally snaccident when i ate that king size chocolate bar!"
by I make Definitions Bree December 7, 2021
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They say kindness is free. So far, there are still bullies, wars, fights, murders, and unpleasant unkindness that says otherwise. Kindness is not free, if you want to know. You have to give it and then earn it, like a trade that benefits everyone. You can be kind and that's free, but prices can be expensive. The best price is when everyone gets a share of it.
"Remember, Melissa, when you show KINDNESS, you will spread KINDNESS!" "That sounds like a lotta bullshit Mommy."
by I make Definitions Bree December 7, 2021
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Real name: Donald Drumph. Cheated to win presidency in 2016 and has had like five wives and even his current one wants nothing to do with him. How to look like Donald Trump! step one: eat 23 big Macs. step two: roll yourself in cheeto dust. step three: lose half your hair. step four: consume some motherfucking shit and become one with what u eat.
"Damn that donald trump man looks like the shit that rolled out of my ass this morning!"
by I make Definitions Bree December 7, 2021
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