
A euphemism for shit--honoring the infamous democrat congressman and pathological liar Adam "bug-eye" Schiff.
"Hey, where are you going?"
"To the head--I've got to take a Schiff."
by Louis XXV October 8, 2021
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Schiff for brains

When someone lost access to their bitcoin due to technical illiteracy.
Peter never learned how to backup his bitcoin seed phrase and lost his private key. What a Schiff for brains!
by Rabbinstein January 27, 2021
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Schiff for brains

When someone’s bias and ego interfere with their interpretation of true market signal leading to lost opportunities
Peter had Schiff for brains and missed the best asymmetric bet of his live more than a dozen times.
by FF2K January 14, 2021
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Paradigm Schiff

Pattern or model that twists all proof and facts to fit the narrative that only the product or service you sell contains value.
However the facts are looking, with a careful Paradigm Schiff you can still trick your customers to buy more of your shit, instead of making a good investment.
by Soulexporter January 16, 2021
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Up Schiff’s Creek

When you hang your hat on a medieval technology because of your personal bias and watch the world change around you, you are up Schiff’s Creek
Peter couldn’t grasp the digital world and leveraged his wealth and reputation on the analog world he understood , he found himself Up Schiff’s Creek.
by FF2K February 11, 2021
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To lie about something in a public manner, but not under oath.
Adam would frequently schiff about evidence on TV, but never give the same testimony under oath.
by CaDave June 22, 2023
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