
A word originating in Philadelphia generally meaning that you just got played, or are looking stupid, either because of something you did, or something that was done to you.
Did you get her number?
aw man, youre feelin salty!!
(everyone laughs)
by littlepinkdeer April 24, 2007
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USMC slang meaning old, faded, or well-used; it has a positive connotation.
"Where'd you get those salty binoculars?" "They were my grandfather's; he was a Marine in World War Two." "Outstanding!"
by FormerMarinefromOregon January 7, 2006
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When you're being a bitch because something has rubbed you the wrong way so you're gonna be a cow about it
"Fuck I'm being so salty today"
by Catty-Cake-Got-Chocolate March 14, 2017
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What people that can't stand losses feel when losing a game.
"Don’t be salty with the results you didn’t get from the work you didn’t do"
by jayisthegod522 November 14, 2022
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Where do i start...
this bitch..
She loves guitars and meth to the point where it makes me want to die. She small af and runs around everywhere asking everyone to give her meth.
Person 1: yo is that a salty overthere?
by penguin_user_help123 February 17, 2022
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A Term used to describe when a person is short and angry
Person 1: gets mad because they can’t reach the top shelf because they are too short and get angry

Person 2: Somebody’s becoming a Salti
by Shuveit June 29, 2020
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Slang; A word used in the FGC (Fighting Game Community) to describe someone who is upset. (mainly because of their loss to someone.) Though the word's primary use lies in the FGC, it can also be used in any other context to describe being upset.
FGC Context

Mike Ross gets really salty when he loses in friendlies.

I'm hella salty that Combofiend got 4th at Evo yesterday.

Other Contexts

My mom made me stay home and clean my room so I couldn't go to the party. I was so salty.
by moonman2012 July 10, 2012
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