
adj: to have a mean, annoying, or repulsive attitude
1. Omg, stop being so salty

2. Why are you acting salty today?
by awesomeness_undercover February 19, 2015
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A feeling that people get when they fail at a video game
Chance: I beat you again, Marco!
Marco: *breaks controller in a fit of rage*
Chance: don't be so salty Marco!
by P0n13s 4 l1f3 March 30, 2016
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When someone is sassy because they are frustrated or upset.
He got salty about me eating the last piece of cake.
by LaraMarie123 November 30, 2016
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A state of extreme frustration and disbelief, usually caused by stress and repeated failure while playing a videogame. A salty player will usually not attribute their failure to their opponent's skill or their lack of skill. Instead, they will reference external factors, such as their teammate's lack of skill, the game or game servers' poor optimization or design, or a greifer interrupting their gameplay.

Also see tilt, tilted
"I swear these goddamn game servers are broken, that shot hit him! There's no way he could have done that much damage so quickly, it's the fucking game's fault."
"oooh, listen to this salty guy"
"I'm not fucking salty, my teammates are just shit and I wouldn't have to go 1v4 if they had pushed with me."
by Bob Surewood July 28, 2016
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somewhere between sour and bitter.
Salty food. Salty drink. Salty soldier.
"Is this salty, or is it just me?"
by Professor_Z May 19, 2020
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To be mad, angry, agitated, upset, sore loser(s).
Essendon supporters were SALTY when their team lost to Collingwood on Anzac day
by Bullant April 26, 2019
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Upset, embarrassed or indignant as a result of humiliation or wrong-doing by another person. Salty was most often heard in Chicago up to about the mid-nineties.
I completely forgot about our plans and she was waiting around for like an hour; now's she's all salty.
by Morgan Patrick April 13, 2005
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