by Too hot too handle 🔥🔥🔥 June 21, 2021
by SLFMentosgum September 5, 2016
the act of being a salted pretzel.
by Catie Mathews September 11, 2014
William Beckett(After his Sweater Shrinks): After all of that stressing about what we were going to wear and going shopping and scrambling. I'm a little salty.
by Katie783 April 14, 2008
Military Definition - A senior member who has been around for awhile, many times referring to the washed out look of old utilities worn through the years and several deployments.
Salty Dude - No joke, Baghdad in 2004 was intense.
New Boot - Oh Sergeant your so salty!
Salty Dude - Yeah, now GET THE FUCK OUT
New Boot - Oh Sergeant your so salty!
Salty Dude - Yeah, now GET THE FUCK OUT
by 556boyer June 5, 2011
by IstoleThisFromPhil September 7, 2010