
When you stick your finger in a vagina and then give some one a wet willy with it.
Lee Put his hand up Jane's skirt to give Jim a salamander.
by The Wizzard! August 17, 2010
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An acient wannaba dinosaur
Whats wrong salamander?
I cant find my Jurassic Park pillow anymore
by Guess :) April 8, 2003
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A versitile woman, NOT to be confused with a reptile. Salamanders are amphibious, so by nature they adapt to their environments. They also are not to be toyed with. You think they are fragile and helpless,WRONG!! Try to eat a Salamander for breakfast and see what happens!!!! YOU DIE, DUH Poisonous hahahaha!! Salamander just crawls right on out your mouth and moseys on down the road. There are 550 different species of Salamanders, so no worries,you'll find a Salamander right for you out there somewhere......... Hopefully you won't be the guy stuck with a Newt, ewwwww worts, jus sayin, she's the ugly step sister so to speak!!!!
Wow, Salamander, you are looking nice and hot today, wanna do for a swim?
by SalamanderBrooks1483 May 22, 2013
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Old-school shooters are terribly underrated. All people want is 3D platformers where I keep falling off platforms 100 feet in the air.
by dj_gs68 November 6, 2003
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Aside from being a little reptile,Salamander is also a dino wubbing TFC player from the DS clan
#-ds- on irc!
Are u watching jurassic park again Salamander?
-Yes,I am
by Anonymous April 6, 2003
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A horrible trick invented by the all encompassing mighty master Andrew where one licks two fingers and wipes them on the victims face
That Salamander you gave me left a rash!!
by Ytuk Werdna July 15, 2003
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(of a salamander) to excrete slime from one's body
Salamanders salamand when they feel threatened.
by LeFrenchCroissant September 2, 2021
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