Rymere is a somebody who don’t do too much for people or the socials. He stays in his own lane and is humble
Rymere is one of a kind.
by Rymere November 23, 2021
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The process of submissively giving a handjob when faced with the alternative of getting in a fight.
I took his spot and he was pretty pissed, so I gave him a rymer
by Jpldnt1989 January 29, 2015
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a discriminatory term used for a large amount of African American people.
Maria: Would ya look at that.
Tom: Ah, a rymer. Let’s get tf outta here.
by jojoman235 November 19, 2017
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Is a great lad i saw his dick it is 30032049328953785723958319874584534836583 times pie squared metres long. I then rapped his dick around the world 69 times will 37538258432685643654235 girls were licking it and riding on it. Overall great lad ladies if you see this man on the streets you will immediately get wet and cum. Also he has a nice smile
Girl 1: Rymer made me so wet i then fucked him all night long i finished 69 420 times before he finished
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A person who is usually funny strange chubby kind of boy/man. He loves mints and is a narural fat joyride of fun
by November 22, 2021
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Rymer is a good friend who always has your back, he's always right and extremely handsome, as well as a good man with tanks, a great soccer player. Also has the best rizz.
by JKI2912 May 8, 2023
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