The act of spawning after a death, also known as a respawn.
Generally used to describe a spawn or respawn while it's occurring.
Generally used to describe a spawn or respawn while it's occurring.
by Sajjithesage June 28, 2012
Also known as spawn, respawn is a gaming term used to describe the action of a computer player or human player coming back to life after being killed.
by Ayelen September 2, 2009
To wake up in ones bed without any recollection of the night before. Primarily used in the context of heavy drinking.
Friend A: "Yo, dude, last night was nuts. I dont remember anything. I drank so much, I respawned! I was at the bar one minute... and next thing you know, I wake up in my bed!"
Friend B: "Yeah man, I know... I died too. Shit was rough".
Friend B: "Yeah man, I know... I died too. Shit was rough".
by PassiveActivist February 17, 2011
by Lasen May 25, 2010
When somebody gets stabbed or shot, and paramedics help save their life, that person's opps would say they died and respawned.
Opp 1: We just murked that fool down the block a week ago
Opp 2: Word? Heard that nigga died at the scene and respawned.
Opp 1: Yeah, he on life support now
Opp 2: Word? Heard that nigga died at the scene and respawned.
Opp 1: Yeah, he on life support now
by t.doubleoh August 27, 2019
A old ass game that no one plays. The people that play it are usually defined as idiotic homosexuals. This game is the biggest pay 2 play game.
by Fagital gaylends February 26, 2017
A bunch of developers that realized that COD is complete garbage and then created 2 of the best shooters ever made practically giving the middle finger to Infinity Ward/Activision and avenging Novalogic/DeltaForce.
by trollface 5333 May 7, 2020