That boring as shit chore that has to be done every other Tuesday thus making Tuesday a shit day.
Bro 1: Dude, wanna chill?
Bro 2: I can't broheim, I have to do recycle.
Bro 1: Oh, I forgot, it's the shittiest day of the week: Tuesday.
by AlGoreisacrackhead March 29, 2011
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Always going back to, and/or keeping your ex's around and on check for sexual purposes. (Booty calls..etc)

He really doesn't get a lot of girls, he just recycles his bitches.
by ohhhhyouknow March 4, 2009
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Mike always wanks into a glass so he can recycle his spunk.
by topdogg January 31, 2004
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I just couldn't take it anymore, time to recycle her ass!
by webster November 25, 2004
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mostly used by women to refer to a casual sexual partner they can call up for a booty call any time, regardless of her relationship status.

It's no-strings, no-emotions, hardcore sex-only.

Men often use the term fuck buddy for the same thing.

A more gender neutral term might be friends with benefits
Karen: "Damn, another lousy boyfriend history, I think I need to call my recyclable, Rico, to get myself grounded before hunting up a new boyfriend.
by cyberpope67,BC,Canada August 1, 2009
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when someone breaks bro/ho code and dates someone in the same group of friends -- recycle. reuse. retrain.
Girl A, B, & C = Best Friends Forever

Girl A is in a relationship with Boy
Girl A went from in a relationship to single
5 minutes later..
Girl B is in a relationship with Boy

= Recycled :) Go Green.
by Jerry Springer 143 October 14, 2012
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When one man puts his dick into another ass hole while he puts his dick into another mans ass hole and while that man sticks his dick into the first mans ass hole.... showing a 3 way all in the ass like the recycling symbol
That Recycling last night was tough work
by barfolomule August 7, 2010
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