meaning fuck you. Origin from Thailand.
"You know what Bob, "Quay".
by rob January 13, 2005
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1.) A synonym for gay. Used to get teenage boys from calling everything gay.
2.) Also used to piss people off who do not like the over usage of the word gay.
Person 1: Dude, I just saw high school musical 3!!!
Person 2: Quay.
by MelvinEugeene November 16, 2008
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combination of being queer and gay
yo check out that quay Clay Aiken. Ya he fucks men up the noop noop. totally a quay ass mucher shit twirler. i heard he fucked your dad. NO it was YOUR dad you fucking quay.
by john doe April 3, 2004
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When you eat meat, such as cow or chicken, too soon after it is killed. The animals soul does not have enough time to go into the other realm. Therefore, you ingest the animals spirit. It is then released into your toilet as a ball of negative energy. This negative energy contains the spirit and it is then released to RIP, in your bathroom, forever.
I just saw a chicken quay come out of my terd.
by Fitzlicki May 13, 2011
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Quay is the mixture of the words queer and gay. In the world today, people use the words "queer" and "gay" to discribe something that they don't like. It has nothing to do with homosexuals. So, if someone really doesn't like what the're seeing the use that word "quay".
Sally comes up to Betty and says," Hey, I'm in love with your boyfriend." Sall says under her breath," That is so quay."
by Dori June 18, 2006
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He is a good guy but has a little dick. Even when he hits puberty
#LittleDick #Quay #SorryBf
by Anas book August 28, 2018
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A very strong 'K', could be used sarcastically or for annoyance.
Geoff: I'm going to be a footballer when I'm older.
Me: Quay.
by watchdog270514 March 30, 2017
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