by Ishittedinmypants July 30, 2021
Qiqi is a very weird child.
She technically forgets everything less than a minute,
Needs coconut milk but never gets it.
Friends with YaoYao.
Works at bubu pharmacy.
She technically forgets everything less than a minute,
Needs coconut milk but never gets it.
Friends with YaoYao.
Works at bubu pharmacy.
Traveler: Hi Qiqi! Can I get some herbs?
Qiqi: Yes sure. Did you bring your prescription?
Traveler: No?
Qiqi: Wait, what did you want again?
Traveler: My brother 😭🥲
Qiqi: Yes sure. Did you bring your prescription?
Traveler: No?
Qiqi: Wait, what did you want again?
Traveler: My brother 😭🥲
by YaoYaoishere November 29, 2021
by hutaosimp November 17, 2021
A goddam menace to society.
If your friend is named qiqi, do not give them a bottle, book or hat. This is equal to starting world war 3
If your friend is named qiqi, do not give them a bottle, book or hat. This is equal to starting world war 3
by MenaceToMyself June 7, 2023
Literally means 77 in Chinese
Also a character's name in Genshin Impact, known for ruining people's pity and 50/50
Also a character's name in Genshin Impact, known for ruining people's pity and 50/50
by Aron_Jónasson March 28, 2022
She cute and funny, she nice and caring, she won't let you down, she'll lift your spirit up and light up your world. You should ask out a qiqi if you see one you wont regret it.
by Trustone April 20, 2021
a cryo sword user from the game jenshin impact. will come home to absolutely destroy your pity. extremely underrated character.
person 1: oh my gosh my wish turned gold :o
qiqi: hello there
person 1: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
qiqi: hello there
person 1: FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
by sparky the pikachu November 13, 2022