Pronounced "Preez"
Similar to primer; The consumption of alcoholic drinks at a designated house/flat/park before heading out to a pub or club so as to achieve a low/mild level of drunkeness to save money for when you get there. But the Australian colloquial version.
Similar to primer; The consumption of alcoholic drinks at a designated house/flat/park before heading out to a pub or club so as to achieve a low/mild level of drunkeness to save money for when you get there. But the Australian colloquial version.
Simon: We are going clubbing tonight?
Steve: Yeah man, we can have Pre's at mine
Simon: Sweet, ill tell Will
Steve: Yeah man, we can have Pre's at mine
Simon: Sweet, ill tell Will
by Stevoo May 13, 2006
Before going to a preparty where you know people will be getting buzzed or even tanked, you meet up with a select few to catch up over a few drinks before shit gets hectic.
verb. to pre-pre
The action of partaking in a pre-pre.
verb. to pre-pre
The action of partaking in a pre-pre.
by vovantics June 10, 2020
by PIFF*STAR August 11, 2008
A person who displays traits of being disabled and or a person who was born premature. A silly or stupid person . Similar to REE-REE
Sandra must be a pre-pre judging by the way her stupid face looks.
Mike is such a pre-pre , he has the mind of a goldfish.
Mike is such a pre-pre , he has the mind of a goldfish.
by Sacredalien June 11, 2023
(also "prinks") (chiefly British) predrinks. A small gathering at someone's house or flat to drink heavily before going out socially/clubbing.
Can also be used as a verb.
Can also be used as a verb.
"Hey, are you going to Sam's pres later?"
"Which pres are you going to before going out?"
"Where are you guys pre'ing later?"
"Which pres are you going to before going out?"
"Where are you guys pre'ing later?"
by 1g17 November 10, 2017
Term which is used usually in warez scene. When group or individual makes a release he puts it on FTP site in PRE directory and sends command
site pre My.Cool.Release.v1.0-iND
After that release is marked as 'pred' and its available for transfer between scene sites.
Also release name and section gets recorded in predb (pre database) for future reference.
site pre My.Cool.Release.v1.0-iND
After that release is marked as 'pred' and its available for transfer between scene sites.
Also release name and section gets recorded in predb (pre database) for future reference.
by Scenedude June 4, 2007
by Herb N. Dictionary October 20, 2002