
An extremely wholesome genre of films, that groups and families watch together on holidays such as Christmas, etc.
Son: Hey Mom, will Uncle Jack bring the Pornos with him?
Mom: Yes son, your uncle has a magnificent Porno collection.
by DeathCustard April 19, 2020
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Porno No-No

Someone who’s just too ugly and unappealing even for cheap, skanky, depressing porn.
Brian thought he’d make a great porn star but his greasy hair, two inch dick, hairy back, acne scared face, Oompa Loompa orange tan, flat ass, three minute staying power, and his problem with anal leakage made him a real Porno No-No.
by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008
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Three cheers for porno, hiphip hooray, hiphip hooray, hiphip OH shit my mom just found my collection.
by Nik The Prick May 17, 2003
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When a person has a deviant sexual act done to them that is usually only seen in a hardcore pornography movie.
Last night I felt so pornoed when he slapped me in the face with his cock.
by thispseudonymphs January 3, 2014
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the reason as to why we had to reformat my computer and change my email address 12 times over the last week.
i accidentally downloaded 3 viruses onto my computer whilst searching for bizarre german porno.
by decepti_kun December 18, 2005
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The closest I'll ever get to being with a woman
You're so porno
by dan May 8, 2003
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Porno is the relaxing pics of naked chicks and babes that you look at while masturbating
"I looked at the porno in the magazine and when asked i said:"What i like to read the articles!!!""
by Douchebag February 8, 2003
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